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Welcome to Formula Silver: The Unforgettable Summer of Basketball for All Levels, from Beginner to Advanced!

We are excited to introduce Formula Silver, an exceptional experience designed for all young players, from enthusiastic beginners to advanced athletes. Whether you want to progress in basketball, have fun or simply experience an unforgettable summer, Formula Silver is the place you need to be.


Why choose the Silver Formula?

1. Open To All Levels

With the Silver Formula, we warmly welcome players of all levels. Whether you are a curious beginner or an experienced player, our program is tailored to meet your specific needs.

2. With Hotel Or Day Camp

We offer you the flexibility to choose between a hotel stay or a day camp experience. Whether you want a complete experience with accommodation or prefer to participate in daily activities, we have an option that suits you.

3. For Teenagers (Ages 13 To 17)

The Silver Formula is specially designed for girls and boys aged 13 to 17, offering an environment adapted to their age and maturity. This is the perfect opportunity to spend a rewarding summer while honing your basketball skills.

4. Exceptional Flexibility

Whether you're looking for sessions of 2 hours per day to an intensive all-day program, depending on your needs and goals. Our flexibility is to your advantage.

5. Much More Than Basketball

With our Silver camps, you don't just do basketball, our Silver camps are designed to offer many additional activities. SIlver Camps are a vacation with lots of basketball!


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 Organisateur du Camp Baskethouse:

 Geaction SARL

10 Rue de Chantepoulet

1201 Genève
